five star.. for me this is the best online store where you can buy at affordable price. I've been purchased many Times.
不能用 Line 登入
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The best app to shop.
Not that convenient as offcial website, the member's shopping cart and coupons are not linked to website's member's record even I linked my app membership with official website. And most of products don't have detailed description as website's... 整體來說,和官網相比非常不方便,即使我已將app會員連接至官網會員,登入會員後,官網的購物車內容及折價劵仍然不會顯示在app上。 App裡面搜尋產品的排序沒有暢銷度排序,產品的介紹也沒有官網內容那麼詳細,感覺很不吸引。 下單的時候同一種產品一次只能選一種型號,官網可以同時選擇多種型號數量,為何app使用方式和官網如此不同?
Try to login but keep having issues. Look like the database doesn't synch with the web account berry well. Have to delete it if can't even login.
CP值很高 很棒
cheap items and fast delivery.