
by 91APP, Inc. (3)



平價美妝第一品牌,首次下載立即送現金!n*加入會員超方便n*24H購物不打烊n*活動推播通知~優惠好康不錯過n*美幣消費回饋1% 折抵無上限n*開放海外會員購買

平價美妝第一品牌,首次下載立即送現金!*加入會員超方便*24H 購物不打烊*活動推播通知~優惠好康不錯過*美幣消費回饋1% 折抵無上限*開放海外會員購買每一次的新功能與優化,都是一個新的尋寶歷程開始期待嗎?趕快打開專屬您APP的珠寶盒,看看裡面會有什麼大發現吧!更新內容包含:1. 動線瀏覽使用性提升2. 增進穩定性3. 介面顯示優化調整

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five star.. for me this is the best online store where you can buy at affordable price. I've been purchased many Times.

Liza S

不能用 Line 登入

TimTIM Wong

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Sharon Poh

The best app to shop.

Just me

Not that convenient as offcial website, the member's shopping cart and coupons are not linked to website's member's record even I linked my app membership with official website. And most of products don't have detailed description as website's... 整體來說,和官網相比非常不方便,即使我已將app會員連接至官網會員,登入會員後,官網的購物車內容及折價劵仍然不會顯示在app上。 App裡面搜尋產品的排序沒有暢銷度排序,產品的介紹也沒有官網內容那麼詳細,感覺很不吸引。 下單的時候同一種產品一次只能選一種型號,官網可以同時選擇多種型號數量,為何app使用方式和官網如此不同?

Leanne Luo

Try to login but keep having issues. Look like the database doesn't synch with the web account berry well. Have to delete it if can't even login.

Double S Il




Viona Lie

CP值很高 很棒

Ariel Xu

cheap items and fast delivery.

Murdocks Cocci